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My journey started in reverse. Rather than gradually building a sturdy  foundation to grow out of over time,  I dove off the deep end and forced myself to learn how to swim.  That has been the story of life until about 7 years ago. 


My story begins as a child. I immediately felt like an alien in a strange and unnatural place. I felt that something was not right with the world, and I wanted a way out. I never felt that school was a place for real learning. My childhood, my environment, and the people around me didn’t seem like they really knew what was going on. I had a sneaking suspicion that there was something more, but I had no wise elders to guide me along my path. I had no village to become a tribal member of. I had no real connection and no real community, and therefore all of my expansion was not rooted and not grounded. This is how my life went through college and after college, constantly seeking and wanting to expand past the borders, boundaries, and limitations of the general consensus status quo society, with all of its rigidity, conformity, bland and boring offerings, and annoying rules and regulations that made no sense to me. I had a deep-felt sense of confinement to a smaller domain of reality, which I just could not accept.

The still small voice within me remained through all my seeking and all my adventures through all the various jobs along the way. Sometimes it would be quiet. Sometimes I would forget that it was there, but it would always come back and remind me. Sometimes it would remind me very loudly, and it would disrupt things in my life because I wasn’t paying attention to what it was trying to say, and it had an important message for me.


I thought the stirring within me had finally become clear. I was meant to pursue stand-up comedy. I quit my job as a marketing manager for a social media start-up company in New York, and I quickly rose through the ranks of amateur open-mic comedians. I was able to land a couple of good gigs; however, that still small voice appeared again. 'Oh no, this wasn’t it either.' Shortly after, I had a very profound LSD experience that opened my eyes and thinned the veil for that voice to come through. It felt like a warm blanket of reassurance with clarity and focus that came over me. That then set me on a path to reeducation and experimentation with altered states of consciousness, spirituality, meditation, breathwork, psychedelics, and various other forms of connecting with my higher self and the Most High.

Then again, I answered a call and began another hero's journey. I traveled across Southeast Asia backpacking, and when I came home and fell back into my ordinary life again, the voice came again. The message came again, and the depression started to set in. I have been experimenting with psychedelic spirituality, meditation, and consciousness exploration for some time now and was wondering why this keeps happening? So after some thorough research, I decided to go and drink Ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon. I was in my seeker phase. 


When I went down to the jungle, I thought I was going to just fix some bad habits and maybe get help for my chronic depression, to quiet this now annoying small voice within that I didn’t know how to relate to. I didn’t know what it wanted, but I soon found out, and I got more than what I bargained for. That is also when I learned the lesson that whatever brought you here is often different from why you are here.

In the summer of 2016, I had the most profound experience of my life. I transcended all that I thought I was, I left my body, and had a non-dual experience, some might say it was an ego death, although I am not fond of the term, but that is, in fact, what had happened.


I had entered a euphoric, divinely blissful, and transpersonal space, connecting with all that ever was, and all that ever will be. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life, and along with that came a heavy message: "You are to be a shaman." I couldn't believe what had happened; it shook me to my core. I was forever changed. The message was heavy because it was not what I had wanted. I was scared to leave behind my carefully constructed identity, as I had been living in New York City, pursuing a career as a stand-up comedian and podcaster. The last thing I wanted was to be a healer or a "shaman" (that was the word that came to me in the divine transmission). I rejected it. I did not answer that call. At the time, I didn't know, but in hindsight, I see that I had been in a powerful process of spiritual emergence. I only wished at the time that I had a support system like we have here at Rooted Expansion. I barely knew anything about the levels of integration and support I needed. I did not have a community, and I was alone to brave the stormy seas in the cold ocean night.


Shortly after my return from the jungle, I was reading a book by spiritual teacher Adyashanti called "The End of Your World," and sure enough, my world started to crumble to pieces and fell apart. I found myself feeling hopeless and in despair. I was suffering, and I even had suicidal ideation. The depression seemed to be even worse. I rejected all of what I had experienced and thought it was a mistake or wrong, and then I entered into a long, dark night of the soul process that lasted for quite some time until I had a spontaneous experience, and another call came to me, like a bolt of lightning coming into my crown chakra and electrifying my entire body.


In the spring of 2017, I had a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening experience while meditating. It was an intense and transformative event that brought me back to the realization of my purpose. The message was clear this time, and I could no longer ignore it. I was meant to be a healer, a guide, and a facilitator of spiritual awakening.


Since then, I have dedicated myself to the path of healing and transformation. I have immersed myself in studying various modalities, including shamanic practices, energy healing, sound therapy, and plant medicine. I have traveled to different parts of the world, learning from indigenous cultures and their wisdom. I have found mentors, teachers, and a supportive community that has helped me in my journey.

My passion for this work was born out of my own personal journey. It represents the integration of my experiences, the wisdom I have gained, and my commitment to serving others. It is a reminder to stay rooted in my power, to humble serve others, to do so with love and compassion for the good of all life, and to be grounded in my connection to the Earth, all of its majestic beauty, and the higher power of divine creation. 


Today, I am grateful for the challenges and struggles I have faced along the way. They have shaped me into the person I am today, and they continue to be my teachers. I have learned that the voice within me, the one that I used to ignore, is my inner guidance, my intuition, and my connection to the divine. I have learned to listen to it, to trust it, and to follow its guidance, even when it takes me out of my comfort zone.


I am humbled by the privilege of being able to support others on their own paths of healing and transformation. I am committed to creating a safe space for others to explore their own inner worlds, to connect with their true selves, and to expand their consciousness. I am here to share my knowledge, my experiences, and my heart with those who are seeking guidance and support.


I am happy to day I am fully living my own journey and fulfilling  my soul's purpose.Our paths may start in reverse, or go up and down, side to side and all around; the path may not be clear or make sense or we may feel like we are making great progress only to repeat patterns, and fall back inot old ways. This is the game of life. We may encounter challenges and setbacks along the way, but with dedication, courage, and community, we can find our true purpose and create a meaningful and fulfilling life.I am here to serve and support others on their own unique journeys of self-discovery and wholleness.















More about my style of work and my offerings


As a life alchemy coach, soul guide, psychedelic facilitator, ceremonialist, men's group facilitator, and integration support coach, my mission is to empower individuals and equip them with the tools needed to navigate their inner worlds and unlock their full potential.


Through deep listening, intuitive guidance, and personalized coaching, I work with clients to process and integrate trauma, identify their parts, their Self, and notice and shift limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that hold them back from living their best lives. I am trauma-informed and hold a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore the inner landscape of their psyche in ordinary states as well as through the use of plant medicines or other substances, offering gentle guidance and support as needed.

My approach is grounded, specific to each individual, and draws upon a diverse background of knowledge and experience, including practices such as Psychedelic Assisted Somatic Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, Existential Philosophy, traditinal plant medicine, Zen and Buddhist Philosophy, Shadow work, Ritual, and more.


I offer free 1-hour complimentary discovery call sessions to explore how I can help with your specific needs. My style is empathetic, non-judgmental, and positive, and I use a variety of methods and modalities to meet each client where they're at. I have experience, training, and knowledge in a wide range of areas, and I draw upon a fusion of ancient esoteric wisdom traditions, indigenous plant medicine practices, and modern western approaches to support my clients' growth and transmutation.


If you're looking to unlock your full potential, navigate your inner world, and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, reach out and connect with me, and book your free discovery call today. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and alchemy together.


"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul..." - Hermes Trismegistus

Psilocybin Therapy Denver Mental health wellness ketamine
Image by Jeff Finley
If you're feeling unsure of your next steps, or stuck in achieving your goals, know that you don't have to do it alone. I invite you to connect with me for a free discovery session where we can explore your vision, goals, and how we can work together to make them a reality.

During our session, we can assess if we are a good match for each other. Let's step out of our comfort zones and explore the infinite potential of what you can achieve. Reach out to me today and let's explore the possibilities together.
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