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Life Alchemy Guidance 

life coach Denver Psychedelic Guide & Integration Coach | Certified Psychedelic Integration Addiction  Depression

What Is Alchemy ?


What is alchemy and why do I include that name in my offering? 


Traditionally, Alchemy is a practice that originated in ancient times and was concerned with turning base metals into gold. But over time, it came to be associated with a more metaphorical kind of transformation – actually, transmutation of the self. Turning our shit into gold. As Robert Bly Says perfectly “Wherever your wounds are is where your genius lies”. Whatever you think makes you weak is what makes you strong. Wherever you are afraid to go, that is where you must go. The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek.


And that's where alchemy comes in when it pertains to an individual wanting to live their best life. Best life is subjective to you. That could mean anything. I believe everyone has something that they wish for, even if it is buried deep down, some spark of life exists, juts waiting to be addressed, alchemized, integrated and embodied. It can be anything, but it is only for you and nobody else to know.

Life Alchemy Guidance is all about helping people get in touch with all their parts, all their “base metals” to relate to them differently, with compassion and curiosity and then transmute them all into an integrated whole Self. That might mean going to traumatic, scary, hidden places inside, feeling into old pains, healing wounds, growing in all new ways, and discovering and sharing their unique gifts and talents with the world. The world becomes a better place when everyone is sharing their best versions of themselves. No one else is going to save us. No one is going to do it for us. It is our duty if we wish to create a better world to be the change and do the best we can to not die with our songs unsung, but to take the leap and answer the call and go on the heroes journey.


This kind of support  does not fixate only on you as an atomized individual, but incorporate the true reality of sharing the experience we have of living in a diverse, chaotic world with its imposed power structures that are incentivized on keeping us separate and dependent, and hyper fixated on individual "healing". We can not ignore our relationships, our communities, society, the world as a whole. Healing happens as a natural byproduct of a healthy community, both inside and out. My process of alchemical guidance incorporates the totality of it all.  The path is not one of fixing yourself. It is one of spiritual warriorship to gain the tools necessary to navigate the insanity of our times while also acknowledging the challenges and complexity of being a functional human being in our world. this involves and having compassion for ourselves, knowing that we can not do this alone, that healing does not happen in a vacuum, but in all aspects of life, and that we are not separate from it.

This path is a rewarding one. Trust me, I have been there. I have been to the depths of the darkness, numb, void of depression and the dark night of the soul through a difficult period of spiritual emergence. It is always the most darkest before the dawn. Sometime, we have to lose it all to gain it all. Sometimes, most o the time, we have to surrender to the process of real deep core healing, in order to progress forward. When we can do that, and go through the trials, and the challenges we achieve a kind of spiritual transmutation, to become something more than human, and we gain access to the divine.The all. The most high.


Now, that might sound a bit out there to some, but the truth is that all of the greatest traditions of healers, shamans, mystics, magicians, wizards, bards, and sages have considered the practice of healing through individual and communal alchemy to be in connection with the good of life. To serve the will of love and the all. To be channels for transcendent, non dual, divine energy to come through us and connect us with the deep mystery of being.


We all have the potential for transmutation within us. This is for those called to real healing. Real healing is the letting go of everything that isn’t yours, that is programmed, by society, culture, school, parents, etc.. leave behind what no longer serves you and create space for what is truly you to emerge grow, flourish and thrive. That also entails, radically revolutionary change in your environment, community, job etc.. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” It is my pleasure to help you make the necessary adjustments in your life, so that you may be aligned with whatever is waiting for you to fully show up and create it. The old ways will simply fall by the wayside and become obsolete while new appealing alternatives will take root and grow. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

My Approach

My Approach

self help mental health life coach denver colorado psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms therapy

I offer one-on-one coaching services. Schedule a free complimentary discovery session or email me with any questions.

Helping people involves recognizing that the problems individuals face are not just personal, but also deeply rooted in the larger societal, cultural, and civilizational systems in which they live. This approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and recognizes that individual well-being is inseparable from the health of the larger systems in which we live.


As a guide this approach involves helping individuals recognize and unpack the cultural and societal narratives that shape their lives, and supporting them in creating new narratives that align with their true selves and the world they want to create. This may involve challenging the dominant cultural narratives around success, happiness, and fulfillment, and helping individuals identify and align with their own values and priorities.


Through my western spiritual lens I also incorporate  a "shamanic-ish" worldview of reality or perhaps a better word would be an animistic view.  ( I tread carefully using the term shaman/ shamanic) but through my training and direct experience I know/feel without a doubt the powerful realm of ancestors, allies, entities in spiritual and energetic dimensions. This may involve helping individuals connect with their own inner wisdom, as well as the wisdom of the natural world and realms. Through practices like journeying, ceremony, ritual, sacred medicines, magick, and energy healing, I can help shine a pathway to healing and integrate experiences in a holistic and meaningful way.


At the same time, this approach also involves recognizing that the problems individuals face are not just personal or spiritual, but also deeply rooted in the larger societal, cultural, and civilizational systems in which they live. This involves addressing issues like systemic oppression, environmental destruction, systemic pathologies, and cultural disconnection, and helping individuals find ways to engage with these issues in a way that aligns with their values and priorities.


Overall, helping people clear away what no longer serves them and make space to plant seeds for new things to grow involves recognizing the interconnectedness or interbeing of all things and working towards creating a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world for all. This approach requires a deep and radical commitment to personal, communal and societal transformation, and a willingness to engage with the complex and multifaceted, even paradoxical struggles and challenges of our time.

"Healing is not a matter of getting better. It's a matter of letting go of everything that isn't you -- all of the expectations, all of the beliefs -- and becoming who you are."


- Pema Chödrön

somatic psychedelic assisted psychotherapy denver colorado
Image by Jeff Finley
If you're feeling unsure of your next steps, or stuck in achieving your goals, know that you don't have to do it alone. I invite you to connect with me for a free discovery session where we can explore your vision, goals, and how we can work together to make them a reality.

During our session, we can assess if we are a good match for each other. Let's step out of our comfort zones and explore the infinite potential of what you can achieve. Reach out to me today and let's explore the possibilities together.
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